033 Primary Section - Medical Camp 2023

A health check-up camp was organised for students of the Primary Section by the P.T.A committee members. This was held on 26th July 2023 in the Sologran Auditorium.( School)

Mrs. Asmita Haldankar our P.T.A representative arranged for  the doctors from Kheradia Clinic. Dr Yatrik Kheradia and his team of 5 doctors carried out a complete body check-up for the students that included pulse, oral care, ENT and skin. The doctors also wrote their comments for each student on a case paper.

The camp ran smoothly with the help of our school teachers  and PT.A representatives. The doctors were felicitated by the Primary Headmistress Mrs. Minelia Monteiro with a token of love.

Tripti Dahibavkar
