Science Appreciation Session- 23/11/22

"The work of science is to substitute facts for appearances and demonstrations for impressions."

A Science Appreciation session was organised by the Science club on 23rd Nov, 2022. It was conducted by the resource persons from the Nehru Centre. The session was attended by about 73 students, our Vice Principal Mr. D'mello and all the Science teachers.

The resource persons helped the students identify the scientific principles behind the mundane things they observe in their daily life. It was made interesting with their live demonstrations including some laser demonstrations. Topics like laser microscopy, refraction, total internal reflection, Newton's 3rd law of motion and effects of magnetic shield were made simpler to understand with the help of various activities. The application of these principles in various fields like medical and space sciences were also explained They kept the session very interactive and informative and answered the queries of the students at the end of the session.

The session was brought to a close with a vote of thanks by the Vice Principal and a student of Std 10. As Science club co-ordinators we expressed our gratitude to them with a token of appreciation.

Ms Sharon Buthello

Science Club Co-ordinators