038 Teacher's Day Celebration

Teacher’s day was celebrated in St. Xavier’s Boys’ Academy on 5th September with a special programme put up by the students in the Solagran Auditorium. Every endeavor was made to make it a memorable day for the teachers, in gratitude for their commitment to the formation of students of human excellence. The theme of the day was ‘Bridging Dreams to Reality.’ This was in keeping with the theme for the year ‘Learning to Lead and Build Bridges’.

 The students of class 10 were the main hosts of the day and helped in decorating the auditorium and the backdrop along with few parents. The comperes presented the programme, which started with the lighting of the samay by our senior teachers followed by a prayer service and speech of appreciation by the School Captain. An audio visual presentation showed the love and gratitude of the students which was followed by a skit and dances by the students of the Pre Primary, Primary and Secondary section. The programme ended with the Principal’s address and vote of thanks. Ms D'Gama, our senior most teacher, thanked everyone responsible for putting up a great show.

 The teachers then left for Garware Club, where a lovely lunch party was hosted by the PTA. The Office Bearers, Executive committee members and their team put together an afternoon of music, dance, games, delicious snacks followed by lunch and other surprises. It was heartening that the organizers paid attention to detail and worked tirelessly to make Teacher’s day a wonderful experience.


Ms. Monica Rose