Plastic Recyclothon Drive-Project Mumbai

The students of SXBA have been collecting plastic for the Mumbai Plastic Recyclothon conducted by the NGO Project Mumbai for three months (December 2019 to February 2020). Single-use plastic items such as bottles, used pens, food wrappers, boxes and broken plastic-ware were collected. The method of collection was that each class would collect and store the plastic brought by the students from home and around school and store it in the class cupboard. The nature club boys were then sent around to each class one day prior to the fixed date assigned by Project Mumbai Team for the citywide Plastic pick-up. The plastic was taken from each class and stored in the science lab. Some students volunteered to stay back and help Ms. Marilyn to segregate the waste into categories and then pack it to keep it ready for collection.

Noticeably a majority of the plastic collected turned out to be plastic bottles. It is worth mentioning that as our Sports Day was scheduled close to the pickup date, the eco-warriors of our school collected 3 huge bags of plastic from the University Grounds of their own volition. Their enthusiasm and desire for a plastic-free world is commendable. We need more such Eco-Warriors at SXBA.

The team at Project Mumbai was appreciative of our efforts and had given us a dustbin made from recycled plastic along with 25 recycled plastic compass boxes. The compass boxes were awarded to those students most supportive of the drive from the junior section. We are proud of our environmental activists and hope to create an Academite ‘Greta Thunberg’.

Ms. Marilyn Rebello

(Plastic Drive Co-ordinator )