030 With freedom comes great responsibility!

On August 15, 2024. Students from classes 6, 8, and 10, along with the teaching and non-teaching staff, celebrated India’s 78th Independence Day with great enthusiasm and reverence.

The celebration began with the hoisting of the tricolor flag by Mr. Brian Rebello. It was accompanied by the national anthem. Following this, a prayer was offered, invoking the blessings of peace and prosperity for the nation. Johan D’cruz of std. 6-2 delivered an inspiring speech that highlighted the significance of Independence Day and the responsibilities that come with freedom. This was followed by a short musical act, which conveyed the message that effective leadership and service to our country start with serving our own school community. The event also included the presentation of awards and certificates to students who had excelled in various fields. Their achievements were recognized and celebrated, understanding the school’s commitment to nurturing talent and excellence.

The program concluded with a vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all participants and organizers for making the event memorable. The celebration was a reminder of the values of dedication and responsibility that are essential for building a better future.


Teacher’s in-charge

Mr. Anandprakash Sharma

Ms. Macrina Mascarenhas