Online Teacher's Day Celebrations at SXBA
On 5th September 2020 for the first time in the history of our school an online 'Teachers Day' was celebrated. The whole programme was conducted virtually with everyone participating from the comfort of their homes. Each class from Stds.5 to 10 had a separate programme being conducted simultaneously for their class teachers and other staff members who were the guests of honour for the day.
Many people participated in the programme namely- the student council members, PTA representatives and the student volunteers from various classes which was conducted on Google Meet. The programme started at 9.30 a.m. and ended at 10.30 a.m. The comperes began the day with a thoughtful prayer for the teachers followed by The teachers prayer. A special teachers day song by Joey Mendonza added to the excitement of the day. A speech was given by a student which highlighted the role of a teacher while thanking them. Then a PPT created by Kush Modi and Shubhan Telang which included staff from all the three sections of the school was streamed.
A parent from each class also gave a speech expressing gratitude to the teachers for their role in the child's development. An audio and video presentation of 'I'll be there' by Michael Jackson and family marked the end of the programme by the comperes after which the PTA representatives took over with their surprise dance performances and presentations. In the end teachers expressed their gratitude and thoughts on the day’s programme.
We thank our Principal and Vice Principal for their novel idea of celebrating the Teachers Day programme online and also for their time and effort to train, guide and work hard behind the scenes to make this day truly memorable for our beloved teachers.
Mokshil Satra
School Captain
A very good morning to each and everyone of us. Respected Manager Fr. Blaise D'Souza, Principal Ms. Preema Noronha, Vice- Principal Mr. Savio D'Mello , Headmistress Ms. Minelia Monterio, Co- ordinator Ms. Sandra Mcmohan, all the teaching and non - teaching faculty members and my dear boys.
Today I would like to start my speech with a very famous sanskrit shloka dedicated to all our beloved teachers...
Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwara, Guru Saakshaat , Param Brahma , Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.
On behalf of the parents of 8th std I would like to wish all of you a Very Happy Teachers Day!
Once I read somewhere and I quote " Teacher's plant the seeds of knowledge that will grow forever." I unquote, this is so true, our teachers with their undying dedication,love, support,care and knowledge have always tried to nourish our boys so that they become responsible citizen of the society.
We would love to express our gratitude with folded hands that inspite of facing so many challenges during these testing times, you all took it in your stride and were ready to adapt the new online system so that our boys don't miss out on their studies.
We are blessed to be surrounded by amazing, loving,caring and dedicated teacher's at SXBA. Thank you so much my dear teachers and once again wishing you all a very happy teachers day!
Mrs. Sarika Singh