005 Two day retreat at Vinayalaya – Std.10 Catholic students (17th and 18th June 2023)

A two day retreat was organised at Vinayalaya on 17th and 18th June 2023. On arriving at the venue we were served breakfast at 8.30 a.m. The first session began at 9.00 a.m. on ‘the Discovery of Jesus’ after which we had a session on ‘Self-esteem’ which was an activity based session.  Lunch was served at 1.00 p.m. followed by a session on ‘Peer pressure’ guiding us how not to fall in the trap of peer pressure and solutions to avoid it. After this we had tea and played football on the grounds. We were given time for a bath followed by dinner and a movie shown to us named ‘Spirit’ about the strong will of a horse to not break down but fight for true freedom.  The first day ended with night prayers.

The next day began with ‘Nature prayer’ at 7.00 a.m. followed by breakfast. The first session of the day was on types of prayer –Nature prayer, 5 finger prayer and Bible prayer.  The next session was taken by the brothers and they told us about their testimonies - how they got their call from God.  Then we had an evaluation session and the retreat ended with Mass at 3.00 p.m. I think it was a very good retreat and we definitely had lots of fun.

I thank our teacher -Mr.Larry Pereira for accompanying us for both these days and our Principal for making it possible for us to attend this retreat..

Maeryn D’Souza
