Inter-house Junior Quiz Competition 2022

The annual Inter-House Quiz competition for the juniors was held on 16th November, 2022. The preliminary rounds on the themes of maths and english were held the previous day. The boys enjoyed testing their language skills in games like Taboo and Pictionary and their logical thinking ability doing maths puzzles.

The quiz had 4 new rounds as part of the Scattergories section: आजीबाईचा बटवा (Indian Home remedies), Indian Mythological Creatures,Losing Ecological Battles (Development against Biodiversity:Indian Conflicts) and Anime vs Science (how scientific is the Anime World?). The teams found the questions both exciting and challenging. They performed especially well in ‘Indian Home Remedies’, which is reassuring given the pandemic situation where natural immunity boosts are much needed. The students also had to compete against each other in social science, current affairs, sports,maths,science and english. The audio round caught both students and teachers by surprise as they had to test their knowledge of animal sounds. Dolphins were confused with parrots and the “bark” of a cheetah left quite a few scratching their heads in puzzlement.

A word of thanks to Ms. Sophia D’mello and Ms. Macrina Mascarenhas for keeping time and the support staff for their assistance.

Ms. Marilyn Rebello Ms. Neharika Vaz
