013 Retreat for Jesuit Schools

On the 13th of July 2024, four boys of St. Xavier’s Boys’ Academy attended a Retreat for the Catholic boys of the different Jesuit schools at Vinayalaya Retreat House. On reaching the venue we were served breakfast and then assembled in the pope Francis Hall. At 8.45am we played two games to get familiar with boys of the other schools. The first session was on ‘Love is God, but God is not love’ which taught us that God is more than love and top most priority of the world. We then had praise and worship followed by two more games. At 12noon we went around the campus for half an hour followed by lunch. The third session was on ‘Is social media a safe space’ helping us understand that social media is for entertainment and not to be influenced by. The retreat got over at 4.15pm with the vote of thanks and a group photograph followed by tea and snacks.

Aaron Barretto  
