Garba by Stds. 8, 9 and 10 on 19/10/2022

India is a country of numerous traditions, culture and especially diverse festivals. Here at St.Xavier’s Boys’ Academy we respect all religions and celebrate all festivals choosing any one Indian festival in an academic year to celebrate and know greater details of the festival which is a PTA activity. This year the PTA of SXBA decided to celebrate ‘Navaratri’ as the school festival. On the last day of the 1st term exams students of Stds.8, 9 and 10 were permitted to have an hour to participate in the ‘Garba Dance’ organised in the School Hall from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon which was a request made by a majority of the secondary staff members to the Principal.

The students and staff enjoyed the Garba performed to a set of feet tapping medley music. Keeping the theme of this year ‘Education and Ecology’ in mind the noise level in the Hall was controlled and the activity ended at 12.00 noon. Our heartfelt gratitude to our teacher Mr.Brian Rebello who came up with the idea and was in charge of the Garba dance for students.

Mr.Brian Rebello Keval Parekh

Teacher In charge School Captain