029 The Scout Camp for the Scouts of Standard 9th & 10th  

The school organized a Scout Camp for the scouts of Std. 9 and 10 on the 9th and 10th of August, 2024. The scouts, along with the scout masters Mr. Anandprakash, Mr. Brian, Mr. Nepolian, and Mr. Elias, assembled in the Solagran Auditorium on the 9th of August at 6:15 am to depart for Khopoli, the location of our scout camp. We departed on three buses and reached the Nature Hunt Campsite in Khopoli safely and in an orderly manner.

Upon arrival, we enjoyed a hearty breakfast, followed by our first session on knotting. After this, we revised Pratham Sopan. Around 1 pm, we had a nutritious lunch that re-energized us. We then learned the uses and methods of lashing. Later, we participated in various adventure activities like balancing on bars and climbing ropes. Following this, the scout masters took us to the dam, which was refreshing.

Returning to the campsite, we enjoyed some tea and felt rejuvenated. The scout masters then gave us time to prepare skits for the campfire. As part of the entertainment program, we played games with our patrols and had a fashion show coordinated by Mr. Brian and our host, Mr. Aakash. The fashion show lifted everyone’s spirits and enthused us all. Dinner was served at 9:30 pm. After dinner, the campfire was arranged, and the scout masters explained its importance. Around the campfire, each patrol performed a skit based on values. With that, we called it a day and rested well.

The next day, we woke up at 6:00 am for an exercise session. Afterward, our dorms and scout uniforms were inspected by Mr. Elias. The 10th Std scouts assembled on the ground and, along with the troop leader, performed the solemn ceremony of unfurling “The Bharat Scout Flag.” Then, the 9th Std scouts had their prestigious investiture ceremony. After breakfast, we gathered in the hall for our last session, where we were introduced to lashing, estimation, and compass. After completing our assigned work, we went to the swimming pool for half an hour. Following swimming, we had lunch.

The valedictory function was held soon after lunch, where many scouts were awarded for their hard work during the camp. We left the campsite around 4:00 pm in our respective buses and were provided with light snacks during the return journey. We reached the school gate at 6:30 pm. The camp was an eventful one, filled with sweet new memories.


Aarav Chudasama   :  10-1

Anshul Bhat        :  10-1