The AGM of St. Xavier’s Boys’ Academy was held at 12 noon in the Solagran Auditorium on 19th July, 2024, presided by the Principal Fr Arul John Bosco s. j. After the reading of the minutes of the previous year’s meeting, it was passed and the report of the PASTOR Activities was also read. The house was asked if they had any queries regarding the Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts and it was also passed. A token of appreciation was given to our Hon. Auditors of 2023-2024, Mr. Abhay Arolkar and he was appointed for the year 2024- 2025 also. This motion was duly passed. The former Principal and Vice Principal who have retired after 14 years and 33 years respectively, were felicitated for leading the school and their committed and dedicated service to the St. Xavier’s Boys’ Academy.

 The Executive Committee for the year 2024 -2025 was duly formed as per the regulation. The new executive committee was wished well for a fruitful Collaborative year ahead. After that parents were reminded about the new school timings of the Primary section and the need to increase it and other important matters like discipline, punctuality and that a late fee would be worked out for those who didn't pay their dues on time. Queries of parents were also answered. In the concluding address of the Principal, all were thanked especially the Office Bearers and the Executive Committee of 2023- 2024 for their service and commitment to the school and organising all the PTA activities and the meeting ended with thanks to the chair


Ms. Rose Monica
