A staff orientation programme entitled, ‘the Cannon ball moment- a reflection’ was organized on the 11th June 2021 at 10:30 am. by the resource person -Ms. Kalpana Chavan Associate Professor at SXIE. This was conducted on the google meet platform and was attended by about forty-five staff members from pre-primary, primary and secondary sections.

Ms. Preema Noronha, Principal of Secondary section introduced the guest speaker and the IGNATIAN YEAR. Ms. Kalpana started the session by elaborating on the objective of the orientation programme at the start of a new academic year 2021-2022 based on the Golden Circle Model which was primarily to understand the Cannon ball moment in St. Ignatius’ life and to identify these moments in our own lives. The session also aimed at bringing about a change in our lives once we identify our cannon ball moments and reflect on our actions.

The session was divided into two parts. The first part was based on the understanding the meaning and significance of the Cannon ball moments. The speaker very systematically mapped the journey of St. Ignatius of Loyola from a knight to a Saint with the help of a pictorial representation. The Cannon ball moment was the turning point in St Ignatius’ life which was discussed at length with the help of videos, pictures and research articles. It was this very moment which transformed St. Ignatius from a ‘warrior of men’ to a ‘warrior of God’.

Ms. Kalpana related the Cannon ball moment to our contemporary context by linking it to the present lockdown and quarantine situation. However, she emphasized that this period of lockdown should not be a time of stagnation but should be treated as an opportunity to reflect, think, ponder and transform our lives for the betterment of all. The session was made interesting and interactive whereby the staff members shared their own cannon ball moments which were the turning points in their lives.

The second part of the session was based on transforming our pedagogies. The speaker illustrated with the help of examples that just like the various Cannon ball moments change and transform our lives these transformations must find a reflection in our teaching and education.

In this second session the speaker traced the origin of education right from the 1.0 model which was essentially a factory-based model where students were expected to follow instructions and had no opportunity to think or speak. However, the guest speaker and the staff members agreed that in the present digital era we must move ahead of the 1.0 model and focus on the 4.0 education model which allows students to think, reflect, create, analyze, question, discuss and share their ideas.

The session helped the staff members realize how technology can be blended with teaching to achieve the 4.0 model where technology acts as a tool to help teachers facilitate discussions, reflection, creativity and critical thinking in the class. Various methods like the TPACK method, SAMR and Community of Inquiry were discussed in this regard.

The session ended with Ms. Kalpana explaining the Fleas Jar Syndrome which tends to curb and restrict students and must be avoided. She further added that the session can be deemed to be successful when we learn to identify the various cannon ball moments of our lives and not fret over them but to look at them as opportunities for change and transformation. These changes and transformation will make our education enriching and effective for our students.

Ms. Valentina Saldanha

Class teacher – std.7